The United States announces they are reinstating family detention.

A landmark ruling in the US recognises domestic violence victims for asylum claims.

New focus on interception between Guatemala and Mexico sees a a decrease in US arrivals, although WOLA argues there are a range of factors to be considered.

Preocupa nuevo Programa Frontera Sur entre Mexico/Guatemala. CM Jusistas informes, Jornada informes.

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There are a number of interesting court cases in the region:

A Regional Humanitarian Conference calls on States to eliminate detention, based on a person’s immigration status.

Conferencia Regional Humanitaria hace llamado a los Estados que garantizen eliminar la detención por razones migratorias. IDC informes.

Who is Dayani Cristal? invites us to take action on the injustices of the US immigration detention and deportation system.

Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the region/Niñez migrante no acompañada en la region:

El infierno de las hieleras.

Sealed UNHCR Report Warns of Poor Protections for Unaccompanied Mexican Children.

Why Nicaraguan kids aren’t fleeing to the US.

Porqué llegan tan pocos niños nicaraguenses a EU?

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Deported teenagers decide to try again because the fear for their lives at home:

Children 12 and under are fastest growing group of unaccompanied minors at U.S. border

Ecuador’s new MERCOSUR visa and concern for implications for refugees:

Migrantes tambien sufren un infierno en paso por Guatemala.

In Honduras, migrants fleeing poverty and warfare.

Denuncian condiciones en estaciones migratorias de Iztapalapa, Saltillo, Puebla.

Canadian book analyses the Architecture of Migrant Detention in Canada.

New reports/nuevos informes

Sin Fronteras 2013 Annual Report.

“INSYDE Informe 2013 sobre estaciones migratorias


The news roundup for July & August is an amalgamation of tweets from our Americas Regional Coordinator, and retweets of members and news in the region. Stay up to date by following @idcAmericas on Twitter.