LONDON (30 December 2014) – The newly-formed Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion has launched “The World’s Stateless”, the flagship biennial publication of the Institute and an important academic standard report for those interested in the plight of the world’s stateless. The primary drafter of the report was Laura van Waas, with IDC Advisory Committee member, Amal de Chickera, providing additional drafting and editing.


The first issue of the report focuses on statelessness and statistics. Among other things, the report draws attention to the regular—and often prolonged—arbitrary detention of stateless persons around the world.


“Arbitrary arrest and detention, including in the person’s home country, is not uncommon. In some cases, detention becomes prolonged or even indefinite, if the state is intent on expulsion, but no other country can be found which would allow the person to enter.”


The report provides critical information about the scope and reach of statelessness while also explaining the challenges of mapping and quantifying this problem of global dimensions. Access “The World’s Stateless” here.


For those seeking updated information on issues related to statelessness, the Institute has also published it’s first monthly bulletin which compiles publication tools and resources about the issue of statelessness and offers an overview of the latest law and policy developments. The monthly bulletin is available at