Whatever questions you have, you’re in the right place.

Our resources page contains general information about immigration detention policies and practices, what life is like in detention and how alternatives to detention can work.

You can also find all of IDC’s research, reports and strategy papers here, and learn more about what we’ve been doing recently.

If you’re interested in learning more about alternatives detention and how they can be implemented in practice, take a look at our training page, where we have a selection of free and bespoke courses to choose from.


Your questions about immigration detention answered


Our library of research, reports and policy briefings

IDC in action

All the latest news, views and stories from IDC


Skills building for governments, UN agencies and civil society

Annual reports

Explore the full archive of IDC's annual reports

IDC strategy

Find out more about IDC's strategy and approach

“We are stronger together. So let’s work to end immigration detention for good.

- Carolina gottardo, idc executive director

Help make immigration detention history