Positive news in South Africa this month as The Human Rights Commission announced it will work with the state to address how thousands of refugees and asylum seekers are treated while in detention.
The South African High Court ruled that detaining illegal immigrants at Lindela Repatriation Centre for extended periods of time is unlawful and unconstitutional.
IDC members Lawyers for Human Rights won a case for a stateless client to be granted refugee status, and responded to developments around permits for Zimbabwean migrant workers.
UNHCR reports that Ethiopia has overtaken Kenya as Africa’s biggest refugee-hosting country.
Despite the Anti-Homosexuality Act being Struck Down by the Constitutional Court, The Washington Post reports that more work is needed to support protection of LGBTI refugees in the Africa region.
Many IDC members came together at the Africa Regional Workshop, held in Kampala. Two member organisations celebrated their birthdays during this period – Kituo Cha Sheria, celebrating their 41st birthday, and Lawyers for Human Rights celebrating their 35th.
The news roundup for September is an amalgamation of tweets from our Africa Regional Coordinator, and retweets of members and news in the region. Stay up to date by following @idcAfrica on Twitter.