In October, 2018, the IDC will be attending the 63rd Session of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) in Banjul, Gambia.
The IDC will be speaking alongside ACHPR Commissioner Essaiem Hatem, the Chairperson of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Africa, and his Co-Commissioner Maya Salih-Fadel, who is the Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons on a Panel Discussion on the ‘Situation of Migrants at Risk of Torture, Inhumane and Degrading Treatment in Africa : ways to Prevent Torture and Reduce the Risk’.
Across Africa, wherever there is a lack of access to regular migration pathways, migrants are undertaking dangerous journeys to try and ensure their own physical safety and the opportunities required to support their families and meaningfully contribute to society. Many migrants, especially those traveling irregularly, are subject to torture, inhumane and degrading treatment, both during their journeys and if they are apprehended and detained.
It is understood that state agents can become overwhelmed by the need to control their borders, whilst still upholding human rights standards with respect to all persons, including migrants, at their borders and within their territories. New thinking and alternative approaches are necessary.
The IDC will share insights from African civil society and non-government organisations in order to draw attention to this important issue and to encourage States to take concrete steps towards the prevention of migrant torture and exploitation.
If anyone is interested in contributing to shaping the content of the panel, please be in touch – [email protected]