This is a compilation of the tweets by the Europe Regional Coordinator of the International Detention Coalition. For live updates, follow @idceurope

Regional: Two more stateless people released from immigration detention in Russia, showing strategic significance of Kim v. Russia ECtHR case.

New ECRE Report provides guidance to Member Sates and asylum practitioners on how the provisions of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights can be used to improve reception and detention standards.

Article suggests that new EU migration plan is “dangerously incomplete”, as safe and legal migration channels are still missing.

UK: Fresh evidence has been heard in Parliament  and seen on national television about the conditions in UK’s immigration detention facilities.

Europe news march image

France: France Terre d’Asile raises concerns over 1000 asylum seekers and migrants in Callais forced to  move to former landfill sites.

Sweden: New research provides interesting analysis of the challenges faced by immigration detention staff in Sweden.

Greece: UNHCR welcomes the envisaged changes in the administrative detention of third country nationals.