The IDC, in partnership with the support of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the government of Liechtenstein, held a side event at the UN HLD 2013 on alternatives to detention of child migrants and their families.

Presenting to a packed room, the panel included:

  • Ms. Jyoty Sanghera, Chief, Human Rights and Economic and Social Issues Section, OHCHR
  • Mr. François Crépeau, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants
  • Mr. Grant Mitchell, Director, International Detention Coalition
  • Mr. Bertrand de Crombrugghe, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Belgium to the Office of the United Nations in Geneva

All urged that States should refrain from detaining children and prioritise the use of alternatives to detention.

Concept note: Concept Note_HLD Child ATD Expert Panel
Agenda: Agenda_HLD Child ATD Expert Panel
Invitation:  Invitation_HLD Child ATD Expert Panel
Background Briefing: 2013 HLD Briefing_DRAFT