The International Detention Coalition (IDC) is currently undertaking research to explore the use of alternatives to immigration detention, and the experiences of children affected by immigration detention worldwide. These projects are being done in collaboration with La Trobe University Refugee Research Centre and with an independent researcher, respectively.

Fieldwork for both projects is currently underway in the following regions: Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe, MENA and North America.

Please email [email protected] for more information or to find out how you can get involved.

Further details on each project are below:

Alternatives to detention

The use of detention as a means of immigration control is increasing throughout the world. This research aims to identify and describe examples of community-basedalternatives to immigration detention which may include legislation, policy or practice that allows for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants to reside in the community with freedom of movement while their migration status is being resolved or while awaiting deportation or removal proceedings. A practical tool (guidebook) describing current community-based alternatives to immigration detention will be produced for use in advocacy and to stimulate policy debate.

A survey completed by 87 members in 30 countries formed the basis for fieldwork priorities, undertaken between January and April 2010.

Ethics process: The Alternatives to Detention research is in partnership with Latrobe University with the research approved through their internal ethics process. Background information to this research project: Click here

For more information on the research project, ethics process and researcher contact details, please contact [email protected]

Children in detention

Many countries continue to detain migrant, asylum seeker and refugee children, including in closed refugee camps, alongside convicted criminals in jails and in immigration detention centres. Despite a substantial body of international research documenting the psychological harm to children in detention, the incarceration of children in immigration detention is a little discussed policy and human rights issue.

This research seeks to give voice to children in immigration detention throughout the world, many of whom are unaccompanied or separated from their caregivers. The research will include an analysis of the situation of children in immigration detention in its policy context. A policy document for engagement in national, regional and international policy advocacy will be produced. This research will also inform the development of the first-ever global campaign against the detention of children.

The research will include fieldwork studies in Europe, North America, Americas, Asia, Africa and MENA, and will focus on both policy and narrative, in order to, where possible, capture the voices of children and their families affected by immigration detention.

Ethics process: The IDC Advisory Committee has provided advice on how to navigate the important ethical issues associated with the project, with final ethics approval gained through the IDC governance structure.

The IDC’s broad membership will have opportunities to input into the research, in particular to inform the subsequent development of an international multimedia campaign against the detention of children.

Background information to this research project: Click here.

For more information on the research project, ethics process and researcher contact details, please contact [email protected]