From December 2021 to March 2022, the Thai government Department of Children and Youth – Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (DCY), International Detention CoalitionTerre des Hommes Germany (TDHs) and UNICEF Thailand, with support of the European Union, co-organised the Children and Youth affected by Migration-Led Advocacy Workshop and Consultation on the National Plan of Action on the Rights of Children in the Context of Migration in Thailand. 

These partners developed a summary document describing their work with children and youth during this time. This includes a detailed overview of the problems and challenges identified by the children and youth, the proposals they presented to government stakeholders and their responses, as well as an Appendix with a list of coordinated forums, the Statement of Children and Youth Affected by Migration in Thailand, and the child-friendly activities implemented throughout this initiative, with further child-friendly materials available here.

For further insights and reflections, please also view the corresponding blog: 5 Lessons We Learned From Children & Youth Affected by Migration in Thailand.



Summary Document English (16 pages) DOWNLOAD










Summary Document Thai (18 pages) DOWNLOAD