Our Team
Claudia Martínez
Claudia joined IDC in 2024 as Project Officer for IDC´s Americas Regional Programme, focusing on capacity-building, peer-learning and strategic communications. She has worked on training and communication issues with civil society organisations since 2008, mainly on human rights, feminism, sexual and reproductive rights, and international migration in Mexico.
Claudia has a degree in Communication Sciences with a specialisation in Audiovisual Production from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. She has worked as Coordinator of Training and Materials for Equidad de Género, Ciudadanía, Trabajo y
Familia A.C. and Head of Strategic Communications for the the civil society network, Grupo de Trabajo sobre Política Migratoria. She has 10 years of experience in strategic communication aimed at the social sector, in the design and coordination of
communication campaigns, research for new narratives, as well as in communication and training for advocacy. She has participated in the development and revision of training manuals and systematisation documents of good practices. She is a reader and
dancer. She lives in Mexico City, Mexico.